Not your father's aluminium window frames Aluminium window and door systems came to Australia from the US in the early 1960s. Although Australia metricated in 1966, much of the architectural frame systems industry maintains those original imperial dimensions today. Why? Because the legacy of existing systems in most...

If you’ve ever tried a practice of yoga at any level, you quickly develop an appreciation for the benefits of breathing. Conscious breathing delivers more oxygen to the blood and to the brain, leading to clearer thinking and more energy. Breathing is life. And buildings...

Applying the core principles of drainage for better window systems: the best practice gasket Very few companies have seriously addressed the issues related to “controlled leakage” of architectural window systems. Commercial windows are designed to leak. Vertical members (jambs and mullions) are down pipes and horizontal...

EDGE Architectural adds value to projects with higher performing systems, higher performing people and a strategic ecosystem of support We're project people. Higher performing products are the result of attention to detail, proper documentation, customer training, and follow-through. U-MAX™, MAX™ and GEN™ are exquisitely performing products that...

I confess, I’m captivated. Ever since my post on the growing design and build practice of healthy building (I mean, seriously, who wouldn’t want to work in a building with circadian lighting?), I can’t stop thinking about commercial buildings that dedicate attention and resources to...

The EDGE ranges continue to undergo dynamic development in response to the needs of Australian architects, builders and window system fabricators. New suites are regularly added to the thermal break, double glazed and single glazed ranges. Continual development of new suites, means continual performance testing of...